Sunday, November 3, 2013

Homemade Homemaker

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Another way to maximize ones budget is to go homemade as often as possible. People pay for convenience. We pay extra to have someone do the work for us. If our income is limited we can view homemade as paying ourselves to do this same work. By paying ourselves instead of some outside individual we pocket that money plus, we have the benefit of actually knowing what goes into our homemade items. 

When it comes to many items, especially food, we have a disconnection from what actually goes into the process of producing said item. When you make a skirt or you bake a cake from scratch there is no mystery involved. There is no curiosity over low wages, lead, or chemicals that we don't want to put in our bodies. With things being so highly processed nowadays it can be nice to actually know where our food comes from. More importantly, taking part in the production of our own items makes them that much more valuable to us because they are a result of our own hard work. 

I regularly buy raw ingredients and make things myself, whether its something simple like a Halloween costume, or something more complicated, like pizza, I go homemade because it saves me money and calories (a definite added benefit). With the holidays approaching, start simple by making a couple items from scratch and see the difference in your wallet and your waistline. Or even try making a couple Christmas items yourself to give to friends and loved ones. These items are much more personal and more cost efficient. 

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